Curtain Correspondence. Krudebude, Leipzig

Curtain Correspondence. Krudebude, Leipzig

This iteration of the Correspondence series repurposed letters sent from Florence, Italy to Rovaniemi, Finland, over the span of three months. The letters, scanned and printed on a translucent curtain, used mundanity, domestic objects, and a breach of privacy to explore the conditions of long distance relationships, situated between absence and memory.

Exhibited during Located-Dislocated at Krudebude, Leipzig, Germany

Letters on Silk. 240 x 124 cm, 2019

NKS Collective, Salur Myndlistarfélagsins, Akureyri, Iceland

NKS Collective, Salur Myndlistarfélagsins, Akureyri, Iceland

Archived Interventions

Archived Interventions